Our 21st Anniversary Ladies Retreat will be virtual again this year! We had hoped to be able to gather in Pigeon Forge at the Convention Center after going virtual last year. I had reserved the meeting space, bought some of the things for your totes and was so looking forward to seeing you after missing last year together. However, at the covid numbers began to increase again and because our group is anywhere from 400-500-850 each year, I made the difficult decision to go virtual one more year. As much as I miss being together, your safety is first priority so we will be virtual this year and gather 2022 with a shout of praise!
We will livestream from our home in Kentucky again and the meetings will be open to the public on my facebook page, Becky Ferree Trammell. The services will be November 11-13, Thursday 7pm, Friday 8:30am & 7pm, Saturday 8:30am & 7pm. The morning services are my regular Coffee & Devotions meeting that has been going on every morning since March 2020. The morning devotions will follow the theme of the Retreat.
We have done 600+ devotions every morning since March 2020 and for several months morning and 3pm devotions! I invite you to join me each morning for a devotion from the Word of God. Many mornings Ronnie joins me to open the devotion with a sing. There is no better way to start the day than praising the One whom my soul loves! I end each devotion with prayer for the requests I have received the previous day. Click follow on my Becky Ferree Trammell facebook page and reeeive your notification when I go live each morning at 8:30!
There is no registration fee for this year’s event. We will open it to the public on my facebook page and everyone is invited to join us! If you have already registered, I have rolled your registration over to 2022 and you are now pre-registered for that celebration!
This year’s theme is BEAUTIFULLY BROKEN. I feel this is a timely word for us this year! Many battles, attacks of the enemy, losses of friends and family and an uncertainty of what tomorrow holds has attempted to leave us broken. However, we are BEAUTIFULLY BROKEN and stronger than ever! The storms of life have not destroyed us! We are resilient! We are King’s kids! We are stronger and more beautiful than ever before!
Make your plans to join us online November 11-13 for a time of refreshing in the presence of the Lord! Ronnie will be leading us in worship followed by an on time word from the Lord. We will close each service with prayer for your needs and praise for His answered prayer!
Please know we love you and as much as my heart breaks to not gather together with you, my heart rejoices that this is the best decision for this season. I look forward to the day we are again in Pigeon Forge rejoicing in the presence of the Lord but….UNTIL THEN….see you online November 11-13!
Myself and my sisters will be attending the virtual services. No matter how we come together, we can still worship our God together.