As you know, we did our 20th Anniversary Ladies Retreat from my living room. Ronnie and Jeff Vaughn sang each night and we made the best of a year of pandemic when the convention center was closed. This year I have already reserved the Evergreen Smoky Mountain Convention Center for November 11-13 for our 21st Anniversary!
Ronnie & friends will be doing our praise and worship. They are already preparing the music and I know you are going to enjoy what they have planned for us! We will also have a few surprises lined up….maybe more about that a little later!
I have decided to livestream this year as well as having the Retreat. This way if you are unable to come, you can watch it at home. I will keep you updated as to the number of ladies attending as we get closer to the time of the meeting.
If you are bringing a child with you, please be sure to give me their first name and age. Children 12 and under do not need to register but we prepare some small gifts for them and want to make sure we have enough for you!
Professional photographers and our friends, Tammy & Sandra, from Wisconsin will be joining us again this year for group pictures. They are always such a blessing and the pictures are amazing! We will furnish one picture for you or your group and then we will set up a “selfie station” for any additional photos you would like to have with your friends.
I know this is the 21st year but since we were not together for our 20th Anniversary, I am bringing the extra gifts and surprises we had already planned for last year! I will post pictures of some of the door prizes as we get closer to time and give you updates on what we have planned for this year.
I do not yet have a theme but as soon as I have it finished, I will be ordering theme tshirts again this year. I will not make them by order….I will have a few hundred to choose from when you arrive.
This past year has been a learning experience for all of us. I feel like this year’s Retreat is going to be special. We need it….and we are ready for what He has in store for us! Mark your calendar now for November 11-13 to join us in Pigeon Forge TN.
The Evergreen Lodge has given us a special rate this year of $44 Monday-Thursday in case you come in early and $92 on Friday and Saturday. Averaged together for Thursday and Friday, this is $68 a night for the 2 nights of the Retreat. We have blocked the entire motel until November 1. After that time, they will open to the public. You can call 1-865-453-1823 and mention HDFM Retreat to get this rate. Also Creekstone and River’s Landing have a block of rooms with a special rate by mentioning HDFM. Call 1-800-523-3919 for reservations with them.
The registration fee is still $30 until October 1 and after that becomes $40 including at the door. You can register online on the Ladies Retreat page and use paypal. I also have registration forms I can mail you or a packet of forms for your church if you prefer. Send your address to for your packet or individual form.
As we get closer to November, I will be posting updates of things we are adding and reminders. In the meantime, any questions can be sent to my email address. We look forward to gathering with you again this year! See you in November <3
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