My heart is full with all the amazing things that 2023 has already held for us. We are almost half way through the year and I have great expectations for this last half!
In March we gathered again for our Spring Family Retreat in Pigeon Forge. It was such a joy to gather together after missing 2 years due to the pandemic. It was like a family reunion joining together again with much singing, testifying, worship and powerful words from several of our pastors that joined us this year. I am already preparing for next year’s Spring Retreat for 2024.
Last month I went into the studio once again. It has been 23 years since the first one was made. Originally this was going to be a few songs by me and a few by Ronnie and some of our friends. We kept going from one song to another until it was all songs by me. I would have never imagined I could complete another cd by myself but here we are waiting on the the final mix of “Through the Years”. Now to design a cover and have it ready very soon. Now Ronnie is planning his own new cd of hymns. Of all his cds already made, this will be the first of this type. I am so excited to watch this unfold!
Now I am presently working on a 30 day devotional. I am hoping to have it ready for the publisher within the month. If so, they can have it ready by the Ladies Retreat in November. It will be devotions from some of my favorite early sermons.
We have traveled back to Kentucky for the Spring, Summer, and Fall. We have been home a few days taking care of the house after being gone for the winter. We will soon be back on the road in Norristown GA Campmeeting, Waynesville NC Campmeeting and revivals in Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, North Carolina and Alabama.
Our 24th Annual Ladies Winter Retreat will be November 9-11 this year. We will return to the Evergreen Smoky Mountain Convention Center once again. I have all the details on the Ladies Meeting page here on our website. Our one change this year is the cutoff for early registration is September 1 instead of October 1. This is will give me time to order the supplies necessary to prepare for your arrival.
I pray you are having an amazing 2023 and look forward to being in meeting with you soon!
As always I’m so looking forward to the retreat this year. This is the highlight of the entire year and I so enjoy seeing my friends that I have made through the retreat. Such an uplifting experience every year being in the presence of the Lord and enjoy the music and the word. I leave on a high in Him and blessed and fulfilled. ❤️🌻