“And the plenty shall not be known in the land by reason of that famine following for it shall be very grievous.” Genesis 41:31
Joseph had spent years in Potiphar’s prison for no cause of his own. Pharaoh had a dream that could be interpreted by no one but Joseph. Seven well-favored and fat-fleshed kine (fat cows) fed in a meadow. Out of the nearby river came seven ill-favored and lean-fleshed kine (skinny cows). The skinny cows swallowed up the fat cows. Afterward they remain as skinny as before.
Joseph’s interpretation is simple. You will have seven good years or years of plenty and then seven years of famine. The famine will be so great it will swallow up your memory of any years of plenty. You must have a man to store up during your time of plenty to carry you through the famine.
No wonder He said, “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” You need to store up in your memory bank the times of His blessings in your life. In times of famine or hardship, you can draw from that memory bank of all He has done!
Many are in a time of the ill-favored, lean-fleshed kine or skinny cows. There are troubles, trials, sickness, financial difficulty and stress on every side. The enemy wants you in such difficulty that he can erase your memory of seasons of blessings or your fat cows. Even in the midst of your trouble, rehearse His blessings and keep your memory alive with all He has done for you throughout your life. If He has done it once, He will do it again! Make sure the memory of your “fat cows” swallows up your present “skinny cow”!