Ronnie and I are currently in Florida for the winter months and will be preaching and holding ladies meetings this winter. You can follow us on facebook for our schedule or check out our website schedule to see where we will be next!
We are still doing morning devotions at 8:30am on my personal facebook page Becky Ferree Trammell. Every morning for 754+ devotions we gather to study the Word of God and have prayer for the sick. It is a wonderful time of refreshing and a great way to start your day turning your face toward Him. The devotions are set to public so you do not need to be friends with me to be able to join the devotions. I look forward to seeing you in the morning!
I have scheduled our 22nd Annual Ladies Winter Retreat for November 10-12, 2022 in Pigeon Forge TN. We have had to go virtual for the past 2 years due to covid but are anxious and excited to gather together this year in the presence of the Lord. You can check out the Ladies Retreat page for details on how to register for this year's Retreat.
I will be updating you in the days ahead about our schedule, the Retreat, the Devotion and what's going on in our lives in the upcoming weeks. Thank you for praying for us and holding up our hands as we have "followed the One who knows the way".
Thank you for your support whether it has been through Paypal, Venmo or the mail. Every offering has made it possible to continue to meet with you every morning with a Word from the Lord. If you would like to partner with us to be a part of this He Died for Me team of believers, you can paypal at Venmo account: Becky Trammell-3 and our address for the winter is PO Box 674 Lake Placid FL 33862. I will post our Kentucky address when we return home.
Ronnie and I love you and appreciate your kindness to us during this season. You are in our daily prayers.
Please verify if Joy Steele and Theresa Kever were pre-registered from last year.
yes both are registered.